Fondé en 2007 par Nicolas Vix, Weeplay développe, fabrique et distribue des produits dérivés textiles et accessoires sous licences pour le compte de clubs, fédérations et évènements sportifs.

Nous serons ravis de vous recontrer dans notre agence à Paris pour évoquer ensemble vos futurs projets. 

A bientôt !

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Legal Notice

WEEPLAY is a limited liability company (Single-member Limited Liability Company - SARL), with a capital of 488,888.40 euros, whose registered office is located at 8, rue du Bois de Boulogne - 75016 PARIS, registered with the RCS of PARIS under number 494 779 218 and VAT number FR16494779218 - Phone:

WEEPLAY is a company that develops, manufactures, and distributes textile derivative products and accessories under licenses on behalf of clubs, federations, and sports events. Our core business is the Wholesale of clothing and footwear (4642Z) with the purchase, import, and marketing of licensed sports textile articles.

This website, which is owned by the company WEEPLAY, aims to present information, articles, and the history of this company.

Publication Director: Mr. Nicolas VIX

Editorial Manager: Mr. Nicolas VIX

Administrative Offices: 8, rue du Bois de Boulogne - 75016 PARIS

Registered Office: 8, rue du Bois de Boulogne - 75016 PARIS